Group Boot Camp
Fit By G Fitness Gym Offers the Group Boot Camp You Need to Succeed!
Are you looking to get into a fitness center but you don't know where to go? Joining a gym can be an exhausting process, from touring every fitness center to ensuring they have enough services for your needs. One of the best ways to get back into your workout routine is by joining a fitness academy for affordable cardio classes or a group boot camp. When you turn your attention to the team at Fit By G Fitness Gym in Olney, IL, you can enjoy all of the above! Let's break down how these classes can help you get into the shape that you want!
Advantages of a Group Boot Camp
When you hear the words 'boot camp' what comes to mind? If you think of intense exercises with a group of motivated individuals, you are pretty much right on the money. Group fitness academy courses can go a long way toward inspiring individuals to stick to their fitness goals while working in a judgment-free environment. Whether you are a complete novice or a hardened fitness enthusiast, the many group classes at Fit By G Fitness Gym will offer you a range of benefits. Let's take a glance at a few of their most popular courses.
1) Body blast & HIIT Group Classes - Leading the way for your fitness journey is the Bodyblast & HIIT Group Lesson. This co-ed body blasting group utilizes kettlebells, barbells, and cardiovascular-focused workouts to advance your fitness goals. Each class will challenge a particular muscle group while increasing your overall core, functional strength, and cardio endurance.
Advantages: These group courses target specific muscle groups to boost your progress while maximizing your efficiency. With the assistance of a certified professional trainer, you will learn in a safe and educational environment.
2) Women's Mat Pilates Group Classes - If you want cardio classes that lean less on weights and more on the mats, you'll find success with the female Pilates Group Classes at Fit By G Fitness Gym. These group classes are great for conditioning your body while focusing on strength, balance, stability, and endurance. These courses may take you by surprise, so be ready to sweat when you hit the mat!
Advantages: Great for boosting stability, balance, and core strength. These Pilates group courses are ideal for starting your day or finishing your week.
3) SilverSneakers Morning Classes - Finally, we want to advocate for the SilverSneakers fitness group course at Fit By G Fitness Gym. These integral fitness courses are ideal for older individuals looking to stay happy, healthy, independent, and active. Whether you are riding the stationary bike or taking exercise classes with your group, you'll stay moving and have a good time doing it!
Advantages: Variety of group fitness classes to keep you active, dedicated, and healthy. Fun exercises available in a safe environment where everyone can succeed at their own pace.
Join Fit By G Fitness Gym Today
Now that you've seen the benefits that a group fitness course can offer, you are probably ready to explore the other aspects of the Fit By G Fitness Center. Fit By G offers much more than just a wide range of effective classes led by certified exercise professionals. You can look forward to enjoying a multitude of benefits upon signing up for your membership. These benefits include access to massage therapy, 24/7 access to the gym, and much, much more.
Fit by G Fitness Gym is based out of Olney, IL, where owner Gary Lacey has established his company as a prominent member of the community. Whether you are looking for HIIT cardio classes, group boot camps, or access to your own gym equipment, Fit By G is ready to help!